Have you met any mother who just uttered the word “homework”, the child almost went down and squirmed immediately. We do understand the problem of many parents that their children do not like their homework. Do not worry! We have found a lot, so let me tell you 3 easy ways to encourage your child to do homework easily. These three ways will definitely help you in changing the mind of your children regarding homework.
Homework a word that all children are afraid of So how do we turn our deep dislike toward homework into a positive attitude? Here are 3 easy ways to help your kids want to do their homework without having to fight each other.
Set clear expectations
Most children do not understand the importance of homework and expectation for them Therefore you need to et clear guidelines and expectations at the beginning of each academic year One ay to help your child ant to do homework and meet the expectation I get them involved in the process. A parent can hare thee expectation with their children for example of all homework need to be completed and at least the 2nd grade. This goal or expectation should be to have your child handwritten on paper ith both parents and children signed. Then stick this arrangement in your child’s room or above the desk, which will remind both you and your child of homework expectations.
Compliment the child
Whenever the children finish their homework on time or when they see them doing homework during the agreed time period. Always praise or reward your child. This clearly shows that doing good leads to good results and lead your child to want to do homework without hesitation. Rewarding doesn’t always have to be about giving money or shopping. Perhaps, watching a child is already a reward. Or it could be letting your child play a game or do something like that.
“Tan” is the child’s friend
One of the reasons kids are against homework is that they feel that they will miss out on something more fun if they are doing their homework. The online platforms knows this basic reason very well and developed a platform where homework is also great fun. You can also help alleviate this problem by involving the whole family in homework hours, for example from 7:30 PM to 08:15 PM every weekday night. Your family will spend time working quietly, perhaps reading accounting for income, household expenses, or doing homework, this shows your child that everyone in the house is “enduring” just as you have to endure homework. This will help your child do homework and soothe your child’s feelings of being left alone.
Whether you convince your child to do homework, focus on ways to build long term positive behaviors, and encourage your child to do homework, not because your child will suffer the consequences if you don’t. But because it will be good for you and your child will be proud to be able to complete the assignment. Your child may also pursue essay writing service where he may get the help from the experts to do his homework with lots of fun.